Anyone road user injured in an accident that was not their fault may be entitled to claim compensation, as long as it can be proved that another person or organisation was to blame. This includes victims of accidents caused by mud on the road if the mud was there due to a third party’s negligence.

Common culprits for leaving mud on the road include farmers, who transfer it from their fields, open-top lorry drivers, who often permit it to fall onto the road from their vehicles and building contractors.

Anyone leaving enough mud on the road has a duty to report it to the local council or Highways England who, in turn, have a duty to clear it up. If anyone in the chain fails in their duty and you are injured as a result, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim against them.

Claims involving mud on the road often pose problems identifying who was responsible. If we can’t locate the relevant individuals, we’ll look into making an untraced driver claim through the Motor Insurers’ Bureau to get you the compensation you deserve.