1. Loss of earnings: a claim for the earnings you lose up to the settlement date of your claim.
  2. Personal injury compensation: Damages (compensation) for the pain and suffering your injury has caused.
  3. Loss of future earnings: There may be an ongoing claim for loss of earnings beyond the date of settlement of your claim.
  4. Medical Expenses: These can become significant if you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries. We will seek to get interim payments to cover the medical treatment you have paid for.
  5. Travel Expenses: The nature of your injuries might mean that you have to travel to see medical consultants as part of the ongoing process of both your recovery and your claim. Some cases require multiple consultants.
  6. Rehabilitation Costs: In most cases involving serious injury, your solicitor will draw up a rehabilitation program, working in conjunction with an experienced rehabilitation case manager as early in the case as possible.
  7. Future Rehabilitation costs: As time passes, the programme may need to be added to as further needs become apparent. These extra requirements can be identified and cost so the necessary funding can be added to your claim for damages.

Rehabilitation may include physiotherapy, occupational therapists, counsellors, or specialised medical services particular to your situation.

  1. Cost of care: You may require the services of a care assistant.
  2. Costs of adaptations to your home: If your injuries prevent you from, for example, going upstairs to the bathrooms or bedroom or from accessing other parts of your home, your home may need to be adapted accordingly.
  3. Costs of medical equipment: Your injuries may require special medical equipment to be installed at home.
  4. Retraining costs for a new career: Mooneerams will ensure you obtain the right training if you have to change your career. This might be necessary if you can no longer do the job you had before the accident.
  5. Cost of adapting your motor vehicle: Your transport requirements may change, and your motor vehicle needs adjusting, or a more suitable replacement needs to be purchased.

Mooneerams will help you to regain as much self‐sufficiency as possible. As part of your serious injury compensation claim, we’ll also look to recover all the funds required to achieve this aim.