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Personal Injury Compensation Calculator

When can you claim Sepsis Negligence Compensation?

If adequate treatment for Sepsis has not been given, or Sepsis was misdiagnosed or went undiagnosed, you could suffer physical or mental damage. When this happens, you could claim compensation from the GP, NHS Trust or private clinic responsible for your care. As already outlined, even if you recover from ...

By |2023-01-27T12:34:22+00:00January 27th, 2023||

How should Sepsis be properly managed?

According to the NHS, the management of Sepsis involves three tests and treatments. These are known as the 'sepsis six':  Tests: taking blood cultures – to discover what bacteria is causing the Sepsis taking a blood sample – to determine how severe the case is monitoring your urine output – ...

By |2023-01-27T12:33:50+00:00January 27th, 2023||

What are the complications caused by septic shock?

Septic shock can cause several complications, including: heart failure abnormal blood clotting kidney failure respiratory failure stroke liver failure removal of a section of the bowel multiple organ failure The severity of these complications will depend on many factors, including the patient's age, any pre-existing health conditions, the cause and ...

By |2023-01-27T12:33:20+00:00January 27th, 2023||

Who is most at risk of developing Sepsis?

Those most at risk of developing Sepsis include: newborns and pregnant women elderly adults people with weakened immune systems; e.g. for example, those with HIV or rheumatic diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis Other factors that can leave people at risk of developing septic shock include: having a major ...

By |2023-01-27T12:32:33+00:00January 27th, 2023||

What are the symptoms of Sepsis?

Sepsis can affect children and adults. Symptoms in children under five years If a child under five years has any of the following symptoms, then according to the NHS website, they should be taken straight to A&E, if the youngster: looks mottled, bluish or pale is very lethargic or difficult ...

By |2023-01-27T12:31:57+00:00January 27th, 2023||

When can you claim compensation for Sepsis negligence?

Medical professionals may fail to recognise and treat / refer regarding Sepsis. Alternatively, the condition may be caused by poor hospital care. In either case, you may be able to claim compensation for clinical negligence.

By |2023-01-27T12:30:48+00:00January 27th, 2023||

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis, or bacterial blood poisoning, occurs when the body is forced to fight a severe infection that has spread via the bloodstream. The body's chemicals, released into the blood to fight the infection, cause widespread inflammation. Not only can this chain of events lead to blood clots and leaky blood ...

By |2023-01-27T12:30:24+00:00January 27th, 2023||

How long do I have to start a personal injury claim?

For most adults, the time limit for bringing a claim (known as the Limitation Period) is three years from the date of the accident or incident that was the cause of your injuries or illness. The three-year period for children under eighteen does not start until they reach their eighteenth ...

By |2022-11-21T11:35:03+00:00November 21st, 2022||

I was injured at home and can’t work

If you are an employee who works from home and gets injured whilst working at home, you may theoretically be able to bring an accident at work claim against your employer. The business you work for has a common law duty to do all they reasonably can to keep you ...

By |2022-08-17T20:11:55+01:00August 17th, 2022||

I was injured at work and then got fired

If you were injured in an accident at work and then got fired, presumably because you had to take time off work due to your injuries, you would have a strong case under employment law regulations for unfair dismissal. The only exception would be if you were guilty of gross ...

By |2022-08-17T20:10:03+01:00August 17th, 2022||
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